Today was our first day back. We had a fantastic day and the children were amazing. It was so lovely to see nearly everyone.
Today we covered reading, writing, maths, buddy reading, handwriting and phonics.
Here are some photos
You will have seen in the newsletter that readers won't be coming home for 2 weeks. Don't worry we have it covered in class, the children will be reading twice :)
Here is one we do in class called 'Raise the roof', it is one of our favourites. Enjoy, we will be doing it very soon back in class :)
Calendar Maths
Todays number is 25 (it's a tricky one today)
*What comes before 25?
*What comes after 25?
*Can you spell the number 25?
*Can you write down 25 tally marks?
*What equations can you make that equal 25 (20+5=25)?
basic facts
Let's finish off with a recap of counting in 2's, 5's, and 10's. Can you fill in the gaps.
Here is a picture I took of Rico, Antonio and Matteo during lockdown.
Today I want you to write down what you Notice and what you Wonder.
My example;
I notice there are 3 boys. I wonder how the penguin got into the house.
Our goals are;
to use a capital letter
full stop
finger spaces
listen to our sounds write what we notice write what we wonder
Watch todays video
Can you answer the following questions;
1. What is the baby birds problem in the story?
2. Who is the first person the baby bird asked "are you my mother?"
3. How did he get back to the nest?
4. How did the baby bird feel?
5. What other animals or things could baby bird have asked?
Sight words
Here are your sight words, can you say them outloud.
Blue words
Green words
Red words
Yellow words
Pink words
Can you make new words by adding letters that are in red to the word endings below.
m f t b p r v
word ending an
w p d b t f
word ending in
s h b c f m p
word ending at
Secret message
Here is a secret message, can you work out what I am saying, it's like a hangman.
Here is a cute video of how to draw a dog
Don't forget the challenge this week Take a photo of your family outside your house. The catch is you have to ALL have your feet in the air (jumping). Then email me the photo ( and I will pop it up on the blog.
Here is another Hiit workout. You have to choose which character you are going to be and do that exercise for 30 seconds.
Give it a go
Basic fact;
Doubles to 10;
Today I want you to read these describing words with your parents. Which words do you think describes a monster?
Next you are to write a story including 2 of the words.
Here is my example;
One day I saw a big and fluffy monster on the way to school.
Remember to use;
a capital letter
full stop
finger spaces
listen to our sounds 1 or 2 ideas/sentences 2 describing words
Here are some sight words for you to read and spell
Don't forget the challenge this week Take a photo of your family outside your house. The catch is you have to ALL have your feet in the air (jumping). Then email me the photo ( and I will pop it up on the blog.
Here are two fitness lessons. One is a yoga and the other one is a Hiit workout.
Here is a harder one.
You have to choose which exercise you want to do and do it for 30 seconds.
This is how the real superheroes train.
Dont forget your basic facts. Today we are adding 3. 2+3= 5+3= 7+3= 9+3= 1+3= 4+3= 6+3= 8+3= 3+3=
Today for writing you are going to become a superhero.
You need to tell me;
*What your name would be
*What your superpower would be
*And draw a picture of your outfit.
This could help
My name would be Ghost Surfer :)
What would your name be?
My example;
My name is Ghost Surfer. My superpower is superspeed. I can zip around and save surfers.
Here is a superhero alphabet
We have to have a superhero story
Here is one of my favourites, I think we may have read this one in class.
I spy Superheroes
Let's finish the day with a superheroes I spy.
Don't forget our challenge
Your challenge this week is to take a photo of your family outside your house. The catch is you have to ALL have your feet in the air (jumping). Then email me the photo ( and I will pop it up on the blog.