
Friday, 23 February 2018

Discovery Time

We had a lot of fun at our first Discovery Time this week. The children worked hard on showing the School Values whilst they chose and worked on their activities.

Zoob Fun


Train time

Mindful colouring in with special smelly pens

Great track building

Beautiful paintings being created

Well Done Emme

Well Done Emme for getting a certificate at our Junior Assembly this week.

Keep it up!!!

Swimming has begun!

Swimming with the instructors has begun.

The children really enjoyed their swim today even if it was a little cold. 

Enjoy the photos and videos.

Well Done Kyzah

Congratulations Kyzah - What a great start to the learning year. You are working so hard on your reading. Keep it up.

Kyzah at our School assembly.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Our Published Writing

Our Published Writing this week!!!

Today we published our first piece of writing. 

Please come in and have a look at our Publishing Wall

Wednesday, 14 February 2018


We were so excited about going swimming today!!!

Room 14 were all so confident going into the water. 

We cant wait for next week with our professional instructors.

Fairy Judy

After all our maths we had a surprise visit from 'Fairy Judy' 

Well done to all the children that completed their holiday reading.


This week in Maths we have been doing some Statistical Investigations. 

We have looked at our favourite flavoured ice cream, how the children in Room 14 get to school in the morning, and what is the most popular month for birthdays.

Today we wanted to know what is the most popular eye colour in Room 14.

First we needed to look at our eyes using a x10 magnifying mirror-that was a lot of fun

Then we used a tally chart to gather our information.

Next we coloured in our eye colour.

Then we put them on our pictograph.

And here is what we found:

Well done Room 14

Please come in a check all our pictographs out.