
Thursday, 16 April 2020

What has Jasmine been up to?

Here are some photos of some learning Jasmine has been doing

Wow Jasmine you counted all the way up to 110 in 2's! 
That is impressive.

I just love your story about Green sheep. The attic would be a great place to hide with his friends. I like the way you ended your story "They all jump out and said boo!" Great use of an exclamation mark at the end of your story. Well Done Jasmine.


  1. I agree Mrs Romaniuk, great use of punctuation Jasmine.

  2. Sheryl Fletcher17 April 2020 at 09:59

    Great work Jasmine. I noticed you had time to make fancy twirls on some of your numbers! That made me smile.

  3. Thanks Lisa, Karen and Sheryl! Jasmine loved writing about the green sheep. Well done Lisa for being able to decipher all her words!:):) Twirls on numbers seem to be obligatory at the moment:D I hope you guys are well in your bubbles and are getting some family time.

  4. The twirls on your numbers look fantastic Jasmine! I wonder what activities you will do this week?
