
Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Thursday 16 April

Good Morning Layla, Bruce, Jasmine, Umer, Matthew, Arya, Soraya, Jaemie, Abigail, Iverson, Samantha, Zarah and Freddie.

Today is Thursday 16th April 2020

Can you say that out loud to someone in your house?

Remember you can email me ( or write a comment on the blog of any work you have been doing.


Thursdays lesson;

Let's start off with a boogie. The freeze dance. Remember to freeze in a funny position.


Yesterday we worked on counting in 2's to 20.

Can you fill in the gaps;

2, __, 6, __, 10, __, __, 16, 18, __

Today let's watch a video about counting in 5's.

Now can you say it out loud to someone.


For writing today you are going to watch one of my favourite stories.

After you have watched the story I want you to think about what you would do for the bear to make him happy.

Your sentence will start like;

I would .............because

My example is;
I would make the bear a yummy honey cake because bears love honey.

Remember to use;
a capital letter
full stop
finger spaces
listen to our sounds
use the word because

Remember you can post your writing on the blog in the comments below or you can email them to me.


For reading I want you to read every night or have someone read to you.

For extra practise I would like you to watch the following videos. The videos are of our sight words. Your challenge is to say the sight words before the lady does.


Today we are going to focus on the following letters.

c, a, o, g, q


these letters start with a c shape
sit the letters on the line
use a finger space between each letter

Good afternoon Room 4, I'll see you tomorrow.

Mrs Romaniuk

Remember you don't have to do everything on this blog post. Most importantly try and make it fun and work for your family.

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