
Saturday, 26 May 2018

A snapshot of Week 4

Here is a snapshot of what we have been up to this week (week 4).

It has been another busy week.

In maths we have been learning how to subtract. We have used teddy bears to help us do this.

Well done Stella for practicing her basic facts during maths rotation time.

On Sunday it was Sophie and Nora's 6th birthday. Happy Birthday girls. They got to wear the birthday hat for the day.

On Monday it was PMP, here are some pictures of us;

We look at the anatomy of a bee. We learnt that a bee has;


We had to label these ourselves. Good job everyone.

We nearly finished our bees that we started last week. They will be on the wall soon, they just need their antennae.

Mrs Fletcher came in to Room 14 to give Malachi his birthday present. Thank you Mrs Fletcher, we love this.

On Friday we had some Discovery Time. We were learning to;

*work together
*interact with each other

and show our school values;


This was great.

Here is a fantastic creation that Oliver and Malachi made together. Great team work boys.

Certificate Winner

Well Done Lusia for getting the 'Manawanuitanga' award at school assembly on Thursday.

You have been working hard on being persistence in activities that you are not always sure of.

Keep up the great work Lusia

Hot Dog Day

It was awesome having a hot dog for lunch on Thursday!!! Thanks mum and dad.

These were very yummy.

Ball skill and story writing

It was very sad on Thursday because we were all really excited that we were going to have Kiwi Ball...... 

But unfortunately it had to be cancelled due to the weather :(

Instead of Kiwi Ball I took the children outside for some great small ball skills.

This was a lot of fun. We practiced;

*catching with a cone
*throwing with one hand
*catching with one hand
*catching with two hands
*bouncing and catching with the cone
*throwing and catching with a buddy

Here are some photos and videos

After this we came back and wrote about what we found easy/hard/fun etc.

After our writing we got into a circle and shared our stories. This was great hearing everyone's stories.

On Friday we published our stories onto good publishing paper, and these are now displayed on our 'Look at our writing' wall. Please come in and check them out.

Monday, 21 May 2018


A very busy Friday

On Friday we had a very busy day.

We had fun in the morning ripping pieces of yellow paper and gluing them onto our bees head and body. Then we had to rip pieces of black paper to make the stripes.

They are starting to look great. All we need to do now is put it together with their eyes, wings and feelers and then they will be up on display!!

Then we did some buddy reading - this is always fun as we never know who our buddy will be.

After lunch some of us went to Room 5 to do some sketching of some bees.

This was a lot of fun and we will do it again with the rest of the class. Thank you Room 5

What a busy day we had-I hope they slept well :)

Library Time

We just love visiting our awesome school library every Thursday afternoon.

Room 14 is so good at choosing funny and fantastic books to bring back to our class each week.

We are getting really good at using our browsing card, finding a quiet spot to read, and returning the book to the correct place/shelf if we don't want it.

Here are a few photos of us in the library

Our amazing handwriting

Here are some more amazing handwriting!

Keep up the great work Room 14