
Saturday, 26 May 2018

Ball skill and story writing

It was very sad on Thursday because we were all really excited that we were going to have Kiwi Ball...... 

But unfortunately it had to be cancelled due to the weather :(

Instead of Kiwi Ball I took the children outside for some great small ball skills.

This was a lot of fun. We practiced;

*catching with a cone
*throwing with one hand
*catching with one hand
*catching with two hands
*bouncing and catching with the cone
*throwing and catching with a buddy

Here are some photos and videos

After this we came back and wrote about what we found easy/hard/fun etc.

After our writing we got into a circle and shared our stories. This was great hearing everyone's stories.

On Friday we published our stories onto good publishing paper, and these are now displayed on our 'Look at our writing' wall. Please come in and check them out.

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