
Sunday, 5 August 2018

Snap shot of Week 2

Another busy week in Room 14.

This week we have had a Zoo trip and a new friend start in our class. His name is Taanish, if you see him please introduce yourself.

We also celebrated Cook Island Language week. 
We learnt how to greet someone and we tried a little bit of Cook Island dancing.

Room 7 and 20 put on an amazing assembly. 
Well done to Sophie for getting a certificate for her awesome contributions during calendar maths.

Well Done to Jack, Parauri and Nora for getting pulled out of the school values box.

Here we are at maths time.

We worked on the letter z at handwriting time. 
Well done to these kids for getting their handwriting on the blog.


Happy Birthday Gstaceyah!
Mrs Fletcher came in to wish Gstaceyah a happy birthday.

During our handwriting rotation we work on our letter knowledge, fine motor skills, and writing our letters.

For our 100 day party we did some writing about 'If we had $100 what would we spend it on.'
Here we are publishing our writing. 
You can see this published writing on our classroom window. Come and check out what your child would spend $100 dollars on-its quite interesting.

I was so proud of how these children worked together to solve this puzzle. You showed team work and persistence. You were all very proud of yourselves when you completed it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi room 14 I just want to say my name is Rico and just would like to say that the cross country looks fun who won?
