
Monday, 29 October 2018

Week 2

Week 2 was a short week but a very busy one.

We are lucky this term because we get to have 2 hip hop lessons. 

All the children loved the first lesson and can't wait for the next lesson next week.

Here are a few photos from the lesson-look at all those smiles.


Well done Taanish for receiving a certificate at assembly this week.

Tobin is reading his Stripes story to the class

We love sharing our news with the class. Here we are having whole class news.

Well Done Nora for completing 100 nights of reading.

Buddy reading time

Here we are enjoying our blackboard. 
We have been practising writing our sight words.

It was such a nice day that we had to go outside for a game of 'Duck, duck, goose.'

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Fairy Judy

Fairy Judy came to our class to give out the prizes for the children that completed their holiday reading.

The kids just love it when Fairy Judy comes in!

Well Done Room 14

Week 1

Welcome back to Term 4. 
We have another busy term ahead of us.
Let's get into it.

 Oliver and Tom read a book this week about making a racing car. They were given the task to follow the steps and to make their own racing car. They shared their work with the class. Well done boys.

The children have been enjoying a new reading activity game called 'silly sentences.'
Great silly sentences girls.

Happy birthday Noah!!!

This term we will be doing athletics on a Tuesday afternoon. Room 14 practised hurdles and three legged races this week. 
Next week we will be working on another activity.

Here are some photos of the kids.

 Out on the field

Three legged races

Here is a snapshot of us doing our phonics and writing

This term in handwriting we are working on writing our last name. We are also working on writing words with our letter of the week in it.
Well done to these kids that got their photo on the blog.

A snapshot of our reading activities

 Reading with the teacher

Sunshine online


 Read to a monster


 Roll and write a sight word

Well done Ian for completing 100 nights of reading. Keep it up!!!