
Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Term 3 Week 1

Welcome to Term 3

We got right back into learning this term. Here are some photos of what we have been up to.


This week we have been looking at shapes.

We have been learning;
*names of shapes
*number of sides
*number of corners
*how to draw shapes

We have also been learning about how to sort shapes.

We have learnt how to sort shapes by;
*number of sides
*type of material

Caught being Good

Well done to Mose, Soraya and Matthew for receiving a certificate this week at our Rimu assembly.


This week we learnt;

Library Time

Here we are at the library choosing books for our class


This week we learnt about Matariki. We read Matariki Breakfast and discussed how and why we celebrate Matariki.

Monday, 20 July 2020

Week 12

Week 12

Wow what a long term it has been.

Here are some photos from our week.


Disco Time

Room 4 looked fantastic at the Disco. I really enjoyed dancing with you all.

Have a fantastic holiday. Remember to stay safe and read lots!!!