Term 4 Week 7
Have you heard.......We have a new student in our class!!!
His name is Billy and he is our class Elf.
He has been hiding around our class. Come in and see if you can find him.
We had a go at drawing our own Elf.
Wheels Day
We had a lot of fun riding around.
We have been working hard on our phonics.
Here we are writing some silly sentences.
We have finished our Firewise topic. Here is what we learnt.
Here we are getting tested on all the blends we have been learning.
This week we continued to learn about measurement.
Today we were measuring ourselves. We learnt that baby Hairy Maclary is the shortest in our class.
Thanks Sami for taking the photos.
Here we are measuring our monsters. We are using blocks to measure them.
It’s so fun to see the children’s excitement in the mornings when they get to see where Billy is hiding 😁