
Monday, 31 May 2021



Today at PMP we enjoyed balancing, throwing, spinning and jumping.

Well done to Charlotte and Toby for receiving a certificate at our school assembly.

Cross Country Practice

 Cross country

We have be working hard on showing Manawanuitanga during our Cross Country practices.

We are working towards our Rimu Cross Country race on Tuesday 1st June. 

Here are some photos of us running the course.

Look at us go!!!

Monday, 24 May 2021

Cultural Unity Day

Cultural Unity Day

Cultural Unity Day is very special here at Owairaka School.

Well done Room 4 for coming to school dressed in clothing from your own culture(s).

We have lots of different cultures in Room 4.

We enjoyed the assembly and walking across the stage.

Look at all the different cultures in Room 4

Sereen's mum Farah came in to teach the class 2 games from her culture.

We really enjoyed this.

We got ready for the shared lunch.

At the end of the day Aurora's dad Christian came in to teach the children about his country 'Finland.'

 What a fantastic day we had.