
Sunday, 9 May 2021

Term 2 Week 1

 Welcome Back to school

We have had a great first week back. 

It has been busy busy busy!

Fairy Judy

We had Fairy Judy come to give out prizes to children who had completed their Holiday Reading. 

Well Done for reading in the holidays.


On Friday we held a concert. Rimu 

Iti performed three pieces of music; Welcome Song, Carmen and No place like home.

Thank you very much Ms Landall for teaching us.

 Room 4 really enjoyed their music lessons in Term 1.

Here are some photos from the concert.

Certificate Winners

Well Done keep up the great work.

100 nights of reading

Well done Mason for completing 100 nights of reading.

Happy Mothers Day

I hope you enjoyed your bouquet of flowers and got a sleep in!!!

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Room 4, congratulations on a fantastic music concert. You can all be super proud of your efforts! Thank you for sharing your learning with us.
