
Monday 29 July 2019

Term 3 Week 1

Term 3

Welcome back! 

Another busy term ahead.


Calendar Maths

Here we learn about time, before and after, tens frames, tally marks, number sentences etc.

100 nights of reading

Well done for those who completed their 100 nights of reading.

Library time

We love our visits to the library to choose new books for the class.

Fairy Judy

Well done to all who completed their holiday reading. Fairy Judy came by to give us our certificate and our prize.

Folk Dancing

We have started folk dancing this week. We learnt 2 dances 'The bird dance' and 'Jibidi'.
We really enjoyed the folk dancing and can't wait for the next lesson.

100 Days at School

Today we celebrated our 100th day at school with Room 5. We completed fun 100 day activities, ate ice blocks and fairy bread, wrote stories and counted objects to 100. Here are some photos of what we got up to.